Compare your financial aid packages

The calculators shown here are designed to give you a good estimate of what a student loan might cost you over time and a way to compare the financial aid packages offered by each college that sent you an acceptance letter. Put in your own numbers and try different scenarios. You’ll have a personalized estimate that just might make your financial picture a lot clearer.

Borrowing guidelines

If you need to take out loans, it's important to know what those loans will cost you, and if you'll be able to afford them over time. 

Check out or borrowing guidelines

Simple Student Loan Calculator

This calculator will help you estimate what a loan of any amount will cost you over time. But remember, each year that you're in college can mean another loan – and a different interest rate, too. So do the math for one year and four years.

Try the Student Loan Calculator

Detailed Student Loan Calculator

This link takes you to a calculator on, a site run by recognized FAFSA expert, Mark Kantrowitz. Please note: the information you provide on the FinAid site may be used for marketing purposes. calculator

Financial Aid Comparison Tool (US Govt.)

Designed by the Consumer Financial Protection Board, this calculator lets you enter your specific information so you can estimate what each of your college choices may cost.

Try the comparison tool

College Cost Calculator (U*Aspire)

This calculator is created by a nonprofit and it allows you to enter information from your financial aid packages to compare the costs of colleges that have accepted you.

Compare your costs with the College Cost Calculator