Do the math with these loan calculators and compare financial aid comparison tools.
Please note: Although the College Money Matters Team has found the information on the sites listed here to be useful, we do not endorse these or any sites from any organization. Also, we have not verified the content. Please be aware that there are always assumptions and flaws in any statistics and information that are gathered by any researcher.
Understanding your financial aid award letter
Mark Salisbury of has put together a great video entitled “Four Fundamentals to Figuring out a Financial Aid Award Letter.” We highly recommend watching it.
Financial Aid Comparison Tool (US Govt.)
Designed by the Consumer Financial Protection Board, this calculator lets you enter specific information from your financial aid packages so you can estimate what each of your college choices may cost. A quick guideline: keep your borrowing to an absolute minimum by using only government loans.
Try the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Comparison Tool
Detailed Student Loan Calculator
This link takes you to a calculator on, a site run by recognized FAFSA expert, Mark Kantrowitz. Please note: the information you provide on the FinAid site may be used for marketing purposes.