Student Stories
The stories in this section are examples of real events that current and former college students shared with College Money Matters. Read what they went through and learn what you can do if you find yourself facing the same situation.
"My cost of attending wasn’t what my college said."
"I couldn’t afford the colleges that accepted me."
"I took 6 years to graduate. It cost me way more than I thought."
"All my choices offered financial aid. But some were scholarships and some were loans."
"I spent money on a scholarship service I could have gotten for free."
"I missed my chance to apply for scholarships."
"I don’t want to borrow more in loans than my family and I can afford."
Do you have a story you’d like to share?
Write to us at and tell us about a college-related issue you had to deal with. It could become the next Student Story on College Money Matters.