Parents & Guardians
Parents know a good college education can set their child up for a bright future. But how can they pay for it without putting their own financial future at risk? Check out this section for answers to the questions parents ask most. They’re also good starters for some thoughtful parent-child discussions.
Paying for your kid’s college
Are more expensive schools really better? How can you determine the value of any college to your child’s career? Explore these questions and many more in this section.
Dreams vs dollars:
A parent’s dilemma
You want the best for your child. You also have bills to pay. How can you balance your dreams for your child’s future with the everyday realities of making ends meet on a limited budget?
There’s a lot to consider when thinking about how to pay for your child’s college. This page brings together some key ideas from across the College Money Matters website so you can see them at a glance.
If you have a high school senior at home, chances are you’ll be sending them off to college next year. So you may need to have a good talk about the cost of college – and maybe credit cards, too.
Loans for parents
The student loan crisis doesn’t just affect students. It’s also had a major impact on parents paying for their child’s education. Read through the topics in this section to gain a solid understanding of the different loan options open to parents, guardians and other family members.
What to know about
co-signing a student loan
Did you know that when you co-sign a loan, you’re agreeing to make any payments that the student who is getting the loan doesn’t make?
These loans are meant to help parents put kids through college, but they can also lead to serious debt. Read how to handle them here.
Most financial advisors say that no more than 10% of a family’s income should go to paying off student loans. Discover ways to stay within sensible limits here.
A 529 plan is a state-sponsored tuition plan that can provide a tax-advantaged way to save money for college and other qualified educational expenses..
Helpful Sites
There’s good information out there, and we’ve put together some of the best sites for helping parents and guardians learn more about putting their kids through college.