Financial Aid
Here's what you'll find in this section:
FAFSA: What it is, how it works
An easy-to-follow, interactive tour of what goes on behind the scenes of the FAFSA® Federal Student Loan process.
Important financial aid deadlines
This video tells you all the due dates to keep in mind when applying for financial aid.
Your financial aid deadline calendar
Use the duedates on this downloadable chart to keep your financial aid applications on track.
A guide to financial aid packages
This report from UAspire helps students and parents better understand financial aid award letters.
Careful: Your financial aid package may include loans.
How to tell whether you're being offered free money for college, or money you'll have to pay back, plus interest.
What to expect from your financial aid package
Important things to remember when evaluating your financial aid offers.
Top 5 Things to Know about College Acceptance Letters
Do you know what the financial numbers on your acceptance letters mean? Watch this 3 minute video and find out.
Test Your Knowledge: Financial aid
This quick quiz helps you grade your grasp of financial aid.
Best of the Web: Financial aid
Helpful links and sources for more information about financial aid.
What happens when you apply for financial aid? How do you get it? And what exactly is a FAFSA? You’ll discover the answers, along with a financial aid deadline calendar to download, in this informative section.