Don’t get tricked into paying for services that are free
We’ll make this clear: Any site or service that charges a fee for helping you do things like fill out the FAFSA, look for scholarships, or get college loans is not worth your money or your time.
Why? Because all these things are FREE.
The only places that can guarantee you admission, scholarships or financial aid are your college and the government. So don’t let anyone asking money for these kind of services fool you. For more details, visit this page, presented by the US Department of Education.
Keep your identity protected
You’ll need your FAFSA FSA ID each year you’re in college, so keep your passwords protected and in a safe place where you’ll remember them. Also, don’t let your social security numbers be visible, especially if you are using a public computer. You can learn more about protecting your FAFSA FSA identity on this page, also presented by the US Department of Education.
Spotting scholarship scams
A brief guide to understanding financial aid
Helpful sites for financial aid