Deadlines & Resources
Whether you’re applying to colleges, choosing the one you’ll go to, or figuring out what your college education will cost you and how you’ll pay for it, there are a lot of due dates to keep in mind and lots of calculations to be made. The resources in this section will help you get a clearer picture on many of the things you need to know.
Your college and financial aid timeline
Use the due dates on this downloadable chart to keep your college and financial aid applications on track.
Calculate your personal costs of college
Use the video and budget planner on this page to figure out of all the big and little costs for each of your college choices.
Find out what you might receive in financial aid
Use the estimators on this page to predict your financial aid from the government and what you could pay in loans.
Compare your financial aid packages
Use these calculators to compare the financial aid packages offered by each college that sent you an acceptance letter.
Student loan language doesn’t have to be confusing. Check out our definitions that turn financial speak into plain talk you can easily understand.
Helpful sites
We’ve put together some of the best sites for helping students and their families learn how to make a quality college education affordable.