For position only
The 3 Main Things We Want You to Know
A quick but important video from Nancy Goodman, Director of College Money Matters

Questions to ask on your college visits

Here are some important questions to ask when you’re on a tour or talking with admissions directors or other students:

  1. Does the school offer special programs (social and academic) for first generation students?
  2. Are there pre-freshman year coursework and programs that promote success for students that might need them?
  3. Does the school have a program that tracks statistics on graduation rates with the purpose of improving them – possibly with early warning systems for individual students?
  4. What does the school offer in terms of a career center and individual career counseling sessions?
  5. Does every student receive regular academic counseling with a trained counselor assigned to them, for discussions about grades and majors?
  6. Is tutoring easily and readily available, along with remedial help if needed?
  7. What kind of emergency funds are available for students facing unexpected expenses in housing, transportation, basic needs or other unforeseen personal difficulties?
  8. Where can a student go to for technology assistance?
  9. What methods are in place to ensure seniors enroll in all the courses they need in order to graduate on time?

Also, be sure to ask the questions about graduation rates as seen on this page.